Competition / Finalist Proposal
Former convent of San Nicola, Scandriglia (RI), Italy, 2013
With: Fabiana Cesarani
Collaborator: Anita Sala
Surface: 2.020mq
The restoration and re-use of the former convent of San Nicola must be placed in a wider geographical context, that of the Regional Natural Park of the Lucretili Mountains. The hypothesis is to transform the building into one of the new entrances to the park, alongside with a visitor center, an environmentally driven research centre, a small school and training facilities. The new functions will be hosted within a flexible system, able to accommodate the needs of different types of users. The restored building will be a point of reference for tourists of the third generation, for those who are not looking for comfort, but want to savor the local spirit and the characteristics of the place and its history. The project identifies three areas, corresponding to the three degrees relating to the current state of conservation of the former convent (good, intermediate and poor). The three parts, recovered following a philological criterion, will host specific functions: promotion, hospitality and administration.